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2 February 2010

Filming and Editing for the preliminary project

For the Review of the preliminary exercise filming stage, i believe that we were partly successful in achieving our goals. We were only partly able to complete filming due to mistakes being made at the time rather than any fault in the Pre production work. All the risk assessments and the storyboards had been completed but we failed to consult it during the filming process meaning that we thought we had filmed all the shots when in fact we were missing the second half of the film. In future it would be a good idea to give each group member a copy of the storyboard and the script so we can have easy reference when deciding on what needs to be filmed. A positive aspect of our filming was the suitability of the filming and the technical proficiency of it. Being a recording studio; the room was sound proofed, this made recording much easier as it reduced unwanted ambient noise. It also created a controlled environment that was away from outside distractions, because of this we were able to concentrate and the actors were also able to focus on their performance, one downside to this was that it lacked some of the verisimilitude that you would expect for a scene set in a prison. The lighting was also very good, we used a single professional light that lit a wide area with a well saturated image. Because of the location recce that was carried out, we were able to use the opportunity to include the light in our filming proposal. This would be the kind of experience we should bring forward to the main exercise. My prior knowledge of how to film also helped as i was able to offer advice to the camera operator and director, unfortunately i failed to make the importance of creating time at the beginning and end of each shot and the importance of shooting multiple takes clear enough to others involved. Because of this i was left with little room at the editing stage to make a competent piece easily. For the main exercise, all group members need to take their part into consideration at all stages in the production process as one part of the production Will affect how able you are able to complete another. Again, i failed to input my knowledge of shot framing as well as i should, although we complied with both the 180' and rule of thirds, we put each character in the conversation shot on the left hand side. Inexperience made us believe that we had to do this to conform to the rule of thirds but in fact it created the impression that the man was staring out of shot rather than looking at the woman.

I believe that we have learned from this mistake and as a result it has been beneficial for a main project We did however do well at the Pre production planning, it set us a clear goal of what we needed to do and although it wasn't executed well, it serves as a strong template for out work on the main exercise . Some of the issues we faced had already been noted in the SWOT analysis. This demonstrates are ability to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses as a group but it also shows that we failed to address some of them in our filming. I believe that we need to use the SWOT analyse to find solutions to rather than just identify our strengths and weaknesses. If we can implement those solutions then we will be able to overcome them in our next project. If we had used this method for the preliminary exercise then i believe we would have completed all the filming that we needed.
One aspect of the group that i think worked very well was the ability to be well organised and reliable. The actors had the final script available to them and all involved arrived on time and did all that was required of them. There was genuine enthusiasm for the project and the continuation of this is essential in the creation of a high quality main exercise. To keep this enthusiasm, we must keep the group contributing equally to work and ideas. The Call sheets are a prime example of members co operation in arranging filming around the needs of all three.

My specified role in the preliminary exercise was the editing and the completion of this was swift mainly due to the lack of film i had to work with. I think that i did the best i could to create smooth seamless edits with the limited source material. In a number of cases i only had one take to work with and it was frequently too short. It is important to let the other members know that the editor needs multiple takes with space to work with in order to create what we intended. The group are now aware of this and i will make sure the importance of this is known to them throughout the main exercise.
Overall i think the filming was a good experience for us despite the failure to complete some of our goals, it has been an important learning step for our main exercise. The main point to take form it is to make scripts and storyboards available to all concerned during filming.

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